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Why the Seat at the Table Still Eludes Some HR Organizations

Every HR organization wants the proverbial seat at the table.  Some have secured it, but [...]

Improve your HR Portal with Design Thinking

There’s an article in the September 2015 issue of the Harvard Business Review called “Design [...]

How to Write a Knowledge Base Article

The purpose of a knowledge base article is to answer an employee’s question so that [...]

What Marketing can Teach HR about Engagement

Have you ever wondered what makes companies like Amazon and Netflix so good at engaging [...]

Should VIP’s have better SLA’s?

Should some employees be treated better than others? Do some deserve a higher level of [...]

4 Types of Analytics and what they mean for HR

Business Analytics is a phrase that can mean a lot of things to a lot [...]

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Can this simple change to onboarding improve alignment?

Before we talk about onboarding, how about a good, short story? President Kennedy was visiting [...]

Quick Tips for Building a Smart Knowledge Base

A smart knowledge base is easy to use. The knowledge base is arguably the single [...]

EmployeeEx Design: 3 Dangers of Doing Nothing

There’s no shortage of information about the business value of a well-designed employee experience.  Plenty [...]

Use a Customer Journey Map to improve the Employee Experience.

In a recent blog post “Why so many companies can’t get the employee experience right,” [...]