HR Self-Service Portal

Employee-centric, personalized HR portal interfaces are being leveraged by organizations around the globe for cost-effective, efficient HR service delivery. The key here though for employee engagement is to make portal usage a personalized experience.

Displaying content based upon an individual’s unique data-driven profile goes a long way towards improving employee engagement and job satisfaction.

How can HR recruit more millennials into Manufacturing?

 “69.9% of manufacturers top business concern is the inability to attract and retain a quality [...]

How do High-performing HR Service Centers increase Tier Zero Resolution?

Every HR Service Center wants more Tier Zero Resolution (TZR), right? The more often an [...]

Can an Employee Portal be Effective if it’s not Mobile?

According to USC’s Center for Effective Organizations, 73.2% of an HR professional’s time is spent on administrative tasks.  [...]

Employee HR Self-Service Portals for Remote Work Success

The Internet and digital technologies have made it possible for employees to work remotely. The [...]

Bots Can Improve Employee Self-service

Bots can improve employee self-service.  In fact, that’s probably the best place to introduce Robotics [...]

Why Millennials are a Gift to HR Shared Services

According to Forbes, “Millennials… will be 75 percent of the workforce by 2025.”  That’s a [...]


3 Steps to a Personalized Employee Portal

All employees are not the same.  Yet more often than not, HR Portals treat them [...]

HR Self-Service Portal – the Window to Effective Company Communication & Insight

As the competition for top talent increases, attracting and keeping the best employees becomes ever [...]

Delivering what’s News to You via Employee Self Service Portals…

The New York Times coined the phrase, “All the News That’s Fit to Print” in [...]

5 Ways Your Employee Self Service Portal can Improve Employee Engagement

I attended a shared service conference this past week, and wrote down a jarring statistic: [...]