Privacy at Neocase

Privacy Policy – Website and Chatbot

This Privacy Policy details the personal data concerning yourself, such as your last names, first names, email address, telephone number, country, browser data, etc. (“Data”) collected when you use our website, why they are collected and how they are processed, but also your rights related to such data and their processing. It applies to Data from or about: (i) visitors to our website, (ii) prospective or current customers, (iii) prospective or current partners, and (iv) candidates.

Neocase is committed to protecting your Data and has accordingly taken concrete action with the objective of producing clear and reliable tools to manage the Data collected when you visit our website. We undertake to comply with the European regulations on personal data processing and, in particular, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 which is applicable from 25 May 2018 (the “GDPR”).

By using the website, and providing us with your Data, you consent to the processing of your Data in the manner set out in this Privacy Policy.

We may need to update and modify this Privacy Policy from time to time. Therefore, you are invited to check it regularly. By continuing to use the website, you will be deemed to have agreed to the revised Privacy Policy.

About us

Neocase Software SAS is the data controller of your Data. We are located at 89 – 91 boulevard National, 92250 La Garenne Colombes, France.

You may contact Neocase Data Privacy Officer (“DPO”) but post at the address above mentioned or by email at :

Data collected and Purpose

When you submit a query through the website, we may collect your Data. Queries may be requests for information about our solutions, for a demo or related to job applications and maybe issued via the website or its chatbot. In such cases Data are collected by you in fulfilling a specific form (name, first name, contact data) or automatically by our chatbot (IP address) through cookies or similar technologies – see our policy .

Our chatbot is a service designed to assist users and, if needed, will direct the user to more detailed instructions and may also offers the ability to directly contact certain people at Neocase. There is no authentication within the virtual assistant itself. Conversations with the chatbot create a unique ID, which cannot be associated with you unless you enter your personal information into the service.

Data collected from you maybe first and last name, IP address, contact data (email and/or postal address, phone number), country location, and when related to job applications: date of birth, professional and educational data (diploma, title, employer, etc.). With the chatbot, we only collect Data that you provide voluntarily.

We mainly use the Data for the purpose of answering you queries. If you are a prospective or current customer, a prospective or current partner, or a candidate, such use is necessary for pre-contractual and contractual measures.

Unless you object, your Data will also be processed for purposes of our legitimate interest (as long as it doesn’t infringe your fundamental rights), and more specifically for

  • marketing purpose (marketing messages and messages containing news or information about Neocase services, special offers, etc.) and customer relationship (business statistics, customer satisfaction surveys, management of prospective customer file, etc.)
  • improvement our products and services (management of reviews and feedback on our products and services, etc.)
  • support and administration of our website and improvement of the user experience
  • when you are a candidate, to build up our database of potential candidates who, although their applications have been turned down previously, may match our future needs.

Your Data may also be used to comply with our statutory obligations (including in particular the management of users’ requests to exercise their rights, the creation of a marketing opt-out list, etc.).

We may also use your Data for other purpose that will be communicated to you at the time of collection.

If we use your Data to send you information by email on our new products or services or other promotions, we will request your consent when you provide your Data and we will send you such information only with your consent. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

Data Recipients and Transfer

We may share your Data and other information, without further notice to you and for the purposes described above, with the following third parties:

  • Neocase Affiliates
  • Partners, Service Providers and Subcontractors
  • Successors (merger, acquisition, due diligence, reorganization, sale of assets, transition, et.)

We may also share your Data to public authorities to comply with a legal obligation, to protect safety of people or to defend Neocase properties and liability.

We will never sell or rent your Data without your consent.

In the course of our activities, we may transfer your Data to third parties located in the United States of America. In order to ensure an adequate level of protection, we implement with these entities the proper mechanism, such as the standard contractual clauses (SCCs) “pre-approved” by the European Commission.

Data Storage and Retention

Your Data will be stored for the period necessary for the above-mentioned purposes (active data period), after which they will be archived until expiry of the statutory limitation periods applicable to any legal actions to which Neocase may be a party. Data will not be kept for more than two years after the last contact.

Chatbot queries are automatically stored for XXX months

Your rights on your Data

Subject to applicable law, you have the following rights in relation to your Data that you may exercise by contacting us at the addresses mentioned in the first paragraph:

  • Right of access
  • Right to rectification
  • Right to object
  • Right to erasure
  • Right to restricted use
  • Right to portability

In addition, note that you have the right to be free from decisions based solely on automated processing of your Data (such as profiling) and withdraw consent at any time.

Finally, if you have any concern about our privacy practices, including the way we have handled your Data, you can report it to the Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés (CNIL) TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07.