

UCB is a Belgian company specializing in pharmaceuticals. Created in 1928, UCB operates globally to help science to step forward.

40 Countries

Headquartered in Brussels, Belgium










  • Enhance the employee’s experience through digital tool operating in more than 40 countries
  • Improve efficiency within HR operations
  • Enhance HR processes automation and implement more self-service features for employees
  • Find a solution with both global and local consistency

Key Benefits

  • 100% Agile project delivery
  • ” One-stop-shop” tool l for Employees and HR
  • Brand new HR Portal deployed WW
  • Major digitization of HR processes (through Neocase BPA)
  • Augmented Employee Experience

Key Results

  • 15 automated HR Processes in 3 months versus 8 processes in 5 months as originally estimated
  • 70% increase of Tier 0 resolution (employee self-service)
  • Automated processes created x3
  • Incoming emails that HR agents receive reduced by 30%

Coordinate your HR teams from all around the world with a single global consistence

UCB is a global company, with HR function operating in 40 countries across the globe. With such a global setup, sometimes, it is hard to maintain consistency and collaborate across countries while providing a local relevance to employees. With Neocase, you don’t need to worry about these important details anymore.

We met with Sara Stroo, Global Talent Processes and Technology Team Lead at UCB, and she explained our mission:

“What we have is that HR is represented in 40 countries. […] and those countries need to collaborate and keep growing together. And we need to have the technology and tools to support that shifts in the workforce.”

The tools you work with should not only work for your headquarters but for each country in which your company operates. With Neocase you can act as one big worldwide team, and this is exactly what UCB experienced. “We needed a tool that has global consistency. A global tool that connects all the local dots.”

With our solution, Neocase can have an unprecedented impact on your organization, both globally and locally while ensuring consistency and relevancy for all your HR agents. Sara explained, “Neocase was able to offer a solution where we could build an automated process that could guarantee a local relevance. This is where we saw the added value of Neocase.”

“And that’s also the strength because if we would have built a global solution only, the countries would have maybe benefited from it by 60%. But we were able to go into depth and build something that is 100% needed by each of the HR team globally”.


Gain in efficiency within HR Operations thanks to BPAs

“We never imagined that we would be so successful and deliver 15 automated processes in 3 months compared to the estimated 8 processes in 5 months.”

Thanks to the Neocase BPA you can easily automate all your administrative tasks. By using BPA you allow agents to focus on the “moments that matter”, just like UCB did:

“We always kept a bit away from the Neocase Business Process Automation until we needed to give it some thought and where we saw the added value was.”
“What is amazing about it, is that in the short timeframe of three months, we were able to deploy 15 of those processes, globally. This is a great success story for us.

With Neocase, your HR agents will spend less time on administrative tasks and more time with your employees. As a result, in one year the number of automated processes created by UCB just tripled.
As Sara explained:

“When implementing BPAs, I am going to make my life easier and to create efficiency for me and my team.”

Let’s take an example brought by Sara Stroo. You’re a company with different countries and different HR Teams, working on employees’ contracts with one of the most repetitive tasks in HR. You have a contract that is 80% common across all your countries, but 20% of this contract has local specificities. If you automate that and make a Business Process Automation, it will save time for you and your teams all over the world.

That’s what UCB did when they built a BPA that automated 80% of the contract work and only 20% remained to be modified by each country.

This is called an Automated self-service process and you can apply it to any other document, such as employment letters, visa letters, etc. A document can be generated and downloaded in one single click. Your employee’s data will be automatically added, and your employees and/or HR will be able to generate and download it in one single click too!


Enthusiasm around HR self-service features

Thanks to Neocase Self-Service portal, you can significantly ease your employees’ daily life and UCB experienced great enthusiasm around HR self-service features.

“Our employees really liked the self-service features that we offered them because of the automated processes. They don’t want to wait 24 or 48 hours for the response on a case. The fact that you were able to deliver more self-service features at their fingertips, created enthusiasm at UCB,” explains Sara Stroo.

“And some of the reactions from our employees were, ‘If only, I had known sooner that this tool exists,’” because the majority of the people like to do things themselves.”

With our self-service features, your employees will not have to contact your HR team for everything they need anymore. All of their responses are accessible, anytime, and anywhere.
Now that every employee uses Neocase at UCB, the number of employee self-service (Tier 0 resolution) increased by 70% in one year, and this is no longer a worry for UCB’s team, which can now focus on the complex cases.


ASTRO is the first HR project that put the Agile theory into practice

Unleash Paris

UCB at Unleash Conference 2019, presenting the ASTRO Project.

Neocase always ensures to work hand in hand with customers. Our goal is to help you achieve YOUR goals, to enhance your productivity.

In 2019 Neocase worked with UCB on its HR agile project called ASTRO, which stands for Automated Simplified Talent and Rewards Operations. That was a real success and Sara Stroo explains it best:

“We made sure that we acted as one team. And I think, throughout the year of 2019, we reshaped that relationship and that bond of acting as one team and not as UCB as to the client and Neocase as the vendor.”

At Neocase, we always do everything that’s in our power and we go beyond to meet our customer’s needs. We help them achieve their purpose by being 100% part of the project and fully understand their challenges. With UCB we made sure we implemented all means possible to provide our solutions efficiently and capture the “Why” of their project.


We played as one team

We set up the project needs together and according to Sara, it was more than that. It was as if we were part of UCB’s internal teams:

“The consultants felt like one of us, and by being so close to us they finally got to know about the UCB identity, which allowed Neocase to resonate much better with our needs. By simply being here with us physically, they got it. I’d like to say that sometimes, they went above and beyond, and they pushed themselves to the extra mile to make it happen. That’s a commitment that I hadn’t experienced in the past.”

The coolest and most surprising success about our collaboration with UCB is that the ASTRO project became the benchmark on how to do successful technology projects at UCB and not only in HR. At Neocase, we were so proud to be a part of such an amazing achievement. It was beyond just implementing Neocase, it was being a part of the overall strategy of our customer and being by their side.


Move toward an outstanding employee experience

One of Neocase’ s most valuable modules is the highly-configurable Self-Service Portal. By integrating your Knowledge Base module to the Portal, you will be able to push personalized articles and provide answers to your employees’ questions.

Sara Stroo shared, “That’s if you have a nice-looking portal where people like to go to raise their requests but it’s also much more important. If you have a good knowledge base, which is the articles that you’re showing, you can filter out 33% of your incoming questions automatically.”

That’s the truth, in the end, you will help your HR agents to be more productive. The time they save on answering questions is the time they can allocate to your employees or for other more important projects (talent management, mobility, recruitment, training, and so on)!

For UCB, being able to filter those massive emails or incoming requests was critical. In one year they have been able to reduce the number of incoming emails that HR agents receive by 30% and increase the usage of their portal, having 41% for the cases created via the Portal, which is the double than before.

The usage of Neocase at UCB got so high, that according to Sara,

“If I look at it today, the usage of Neocase is now ready to compete with Success Factors.”

We are very proud to see how Neocase is seamlessly integrating with SuccessFactors!

They also received very nice feedback from their employees:

“Congratulations! This is really user-friendly. I really like this new portal.”
“Wooow!!!!! Super site! I love the new look & feel”


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